


发表于 2019-12-31 | 分类于 FFmpeg | 0 | 阅读数 247





CSDN主页:banmajio’s csdn



3.com.junction.controller包里的类为项目controller API接口。



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org.bytedeco javacv 1.5.1 org.bytedeco ffmpeg-platform 4.1.3-1.5.1 org.springframework.boot spring-boot-configuration-processor true


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server: port: 8082 servlet: context-path: /camera

config: #直播流保活时间(分钟) keepalive: 5 #nginx推送地址 push_ip: #nginx推送端口 push_port: 1935



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private String username;// 摄像头账号 private String password;// 摄像头密码 private String ip;// 摄像头ip private String channel;// 摄像头通道号 private String stream;// 摄像头码流(main为主码流、sub为子码流) private String rtsp;// rtsp地址 private String rtmp;// rtmp地址 private String startTime;// 回放开始时间 private String endTime;// 回放结束时间 private String openTime;// 打开时间 private int count = 0;// 使用人数 private String token;//唯一标识token


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package com.junction.pojo;

import org.springframework.boot.context.properties.ConfigurationProperties; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

/** * @Title ConfigPojo.java * @description 读取配置文件的bean * @time 2019年12月25日 下午5:11:21 * @author wuguodong **/ @Component //读取application.yml中config层级下的配置项 @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "config") public class Config { private String keepalive;//保活时长(分钟) private String push_ip;//推送地址 private String push_port;//推送端口

public String getKeepalive() { return keepalive; } public void setKeepalive(String keepalive) { this.keepalive = keepalive; } public String getPush_ip() { return push_ip; } public void setPush_ip(String push_ip) { this.push_ip = push_ip; } public String getPush_port() { return push_port; } public void setPush_port(String push_port) { this.push_port = push_port; } @Override public String toString() { return "Config [keepalive=" + keepalive + ", push_ip=" + push_ip + ", push_port=" + push_port + "]"; } }



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/** * @Title CacheUtil.java * @description 推流缓存信息 * @time 2019年12月17日 下午3:12:45 * @author wuguodong **/ public final class CacheUtil { /* * 保存已经开始推的流 */ public static Map<String, CameraPojo> STREAMMAP = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, CameraPojo>();

/* * 保存服务启动时间 */ public static long STARTTIME; }



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package com.junction;

import java.util.Date;

import javax.annotation.PreDestroy;

import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication; import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;

import com.junction.cache.CacheUtil; import com.junction.thread.CameraThread; import com.junction.util.TimerUtil;

@SpringBootApplication public class CameraServerApplication {

public static void main(String[] args) { //将服务启动时间存入缓存 CacheUtil.STARTTIME = new Date().getTime(); SpringApplication.run(CameraServerApplication.class, args); }

@PreDestroy public void destory() { System.err.println("释放空间..."); // 关闭线程池 CameraThread.MyRunnable.es.shutdownNow(); // 销毁定时器 TimerUtil.timer.cancel(); } }





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import static org.bytedeco.ffmpeg.global.avcodec.av_packet_unref;

import org.bytedeco.ffmpeg.avcodec.AVPacket; import org.bytedeco.ffmpeg.avformat.AVFormatContext; import org.bytedeco.javacv.FFmpegFrameGrabber; import org.bytedeco.javacv.FFmpegFrameRecorder;

import com.junction.pojo.CameraPojo;

/** * @Title CameraPush.java * @description 拉流推流 * @time 2019年12月16日 上午9:34:41 * @author wuguodong **/ public class CameraPush { protected FFmpegFrameGrabber grabber = null;// 解码器 protected FFmpegFrameRecorder record = null;// 编码器 int width;// 视频像素宽 int height;// 视频像素高

// 视频参数 protected int audiocodecid; protected int codecid; protected double framerate;// 帧率 protected int bitrate;// 比特率

// 音频参数 // 想要录制音频,这三个参数必须有:audioChannels > 0 && audioBitrate > 0 && sampleRate > 0 private int audioChannels; private int audioBitrate; private int sampleRate;

// 设备信息 private CameraPojo cameraPojo;

public CameraPush(CameraPojo cameraPojo) { this.cameraPojo = cameraPojo; } /** * 选择视频源 * * @author wuguodong * @throws Exception */ public CameraPush from() throws Exception { // 采集/抓取器 System.out.println(cameraPojo.getRtsp()); grabber = new FFmpegFrameGrabber(cameraPojo.getRtsp()); if (cameraPojo.getRtsp().indexOf("rtsp") >= 0) { grabber.setOption("rtsp_transport", "tcp");// tcp用于解决丢包问题 } // 设置采集器构造超时时间 grabber.setOption("stimeout", "2000000"); grabber.start();// 开始之后ffmpeg会采集视频信息,之后就可以获取音视频信息 width = grabber.getImageWidth(); height = grabber.getImageHeight(); // 若视频像素值为0,说明采集器构造超时,程序结束 if (width == 0 && height == 0) { System.err.println("[ERROR] 拉流超时..."); return null; } // 视频参数 audiocodecid = grabber.getAudioCodec(); System.err.println("音频编码:" + audiocodecid); codecid = grabber.getVideoCodec(); framerate = grabber.getVideoFrameRate();// 帧率 bitrate = grabber.getVideoBitrate();// 比特率 // 音频参数 // 想要录制音频,这三个参数必须有:audioChannels > 0 && audioBitrate > 0 && sampleRate > 0 audioChannels = grabber.getAudioChannels(); audioBitrate = grabber.getAudioBitrate(); if (audioBitrate < 1) { audioBitrate = 128 * 1000;// 默认音频比特率 } return this; } /** * 选择输出 * * @author wuguodong * @throws Exception */ public CameraPush to() throws Exception { // 录制/推流器 record = new FFmpegFrameRecorder(cameraPojo.getRtmp(), width, height); record.setVideoOption("crf", "28");// 画面质量参数,051;1828是一个合理范围 record.setGopSize(2); record.setFrameRate(framerate); record.setVideoBitrate(bitrate);

record.setAudioChannels(audioChannels); record.setAudioBitrate(audioBitrate); record.setSampleRate(sampleRate); AVFormatContext fc = null; if (cameraPojo.getRtmp().indexOf("rtmp") >= 0 || cameraPojo.getRtmp().indexOf("flv") > 0) { // 封装格式flv record.setFormat("flv"); record.setAudioCodecName("aac"); record.setVideoCodec(codecid); fc = grabber.getFormatContext(); } record.start(fc); return this; }

/** * 转封装 * * @author wuguodong * @throws org.bytedeco.javacv.FrameGrabber.Exception * @throws org.bytedeco.javacv.FrameRecorder.Exception * @throws InterruptedException */ public CameraPush go(Thread nowThread) throws org.bytedeco.javacv.FrameGrabber.Exception, org.bytedeco.javacv.FrameRecorder.Exception { long err_index = 0;// 采集或推流导致的错误次数 // 连续五次没有采集到帧则认为视频采集结束,程序错误次数超过5次即中断程序 for (int no_frame_index = 0; no_frame_index < 5 || err_index < 5;) { try { // 用于中断线程时,结束该循环 nowThread.sleep(1); AVPacket pkt = null; // 获取没有解码的音视频帧 pkt = grabber.grabPacket(); if (pkt == null || pkt.size() <= 0 || pkt.data() == null) { // 空包记录次数跳过 no_frame_index++; err_index++; continue; } // 不需要编码直接把音视频帧推出去 err_index += (record.recordPacket(pkt) ? 0 : 1); av_packet_unref(pkt); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // 当需要结束推流时,调用线程中断方法,中断推流的线程。当前线程for循环执行到 // nowThread.sleep(1);这行代码时,因为线程已经不存在了,所以会捕获异常,结束for循环 // 销毁构造器 grabber.close(); record.close(); System.err.println("设备中断推流成功..."); break; } catch (org.bytedeco.javacv.FrameGrabber.Exception e) { err_index++; } catch (org.bytedeco.javacv.FrameRecorder.Exception e) { err_index++; } } // 程序正常结束销毁构造器 grabber.close(); record.close(); System.err.println("设备推流完毕..."); return this; } }



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package com.junction.util;

import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.boot.CommandLineRunner; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

import com.junction.cache.CacheUtil; import com.junction.controller.CameraController; import com.junction.pojo.Config;

/** * @Title TimerUtil.java * @description 定时任务 * @time 2019年12月16日 下午3:10:08 * @author wuguodong **/ @Component public class TimerUtil implements CommandLineRunner {

@Autowired private Config config;// 配置文件bean

public static Timer timer;

@Override public void run(String... args) throws Exception { // 超过5分钟,结束推流 timer = new Timer("timeTimer"); timer.schedule(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { System.err.println("开始执行定时任务..."); // 管理缓存 if (null != CacheUtil.STREAMMAP && 0 != CacheUtil.STREAMMAP.size()) { Set keys = CacheUtil.STREAMMAP.keySet(); for (String key : keys) { try { // 最后打开时间 long openTime = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") .parse(CacheUtil.STREAMMAP.get(key).getOpenTime()).getTime(); // 当前系统时间 long newTime = new Date().getTime(); // 如果通道使用人数为0,则关闭推流 if (CacheUtil.STREAMMAP.get(key).getCount() == 0) { // 结束线程 CameraController.jobMap.get(key).setInterrupted(); // 清除缓存 CacheUtil.STREAMMAP.remove(key); CameraController.jobMap.remove(key); } else if ((newTime - openTime) / 1000 / 60 > Integer.valueOf(config.getKeepalive())) { CameraController.jobMap.get(key).setInterrupted(); CameraController.jobMap.remove(key); CacheUtil.STREAMMAP.remove(key); System.err.println("[定时任务] 关闭" + key + "摄像头..."); } } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } System.err.println("定时任务执行完毕..."); } }, 1, 1000 * 60); } }


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package com.junction.thread;

import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors;

import com.junction.cache.CacheUtil; import com.junction.controller.CameraController; import com.junction.pojo.CameraPojo; import com.junction.util.CameraPush;

/** * @Title CameraThread.java * @description TODO * @time 2019年12月16日 上午9:32:43 * @author wuguodong **/ public class CameraThread { public static class MyRunnable implements Runnable { // 创建线程池 public static ExecutorService es = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();

private CameraPojo cameraPojo; private Thread nowThread;

public MyRunnable(CameraPojo cameraPojo) { this.cameraPojo = cameraPojo; }

// 中断线程 public void setInterrupted() { nowThread.interrupt(); }

@Override public void run() { // 直播流 try { // 获取当前线程存入缓存 nowThread = Thread.currentThread(); CacheUtil.STREAMMAP.put(cameraPojo.getToken(), cameraPojo); // 执行转流推流任务 CameraPush push = new CameraPush(cameraPojo).from(); if (push != null) { push.to().go(nowThread); } // 清除缓存 CacheUtil.STREAMMAP.remove(cameraPojo.getToken()); CameraController.jobMap.remove(cameraPojo.getToken()); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println( "当前线程:" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + " 当前任务:" + cameraPojo.getRtsp() + "停止..."); CacheUtil.STREAMMAP.remove(cameraPojo.getToken()); CameraController.jobMap.remove(cameraPojo.getToken()); e.printStackTrace(); } } } }


api: (GET)
api: (GET)
api: (POST)
params: ip;username;password;channel;stream;starttime;endtime
api: (DELETE)
api: (PUT)





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// 执行任务 CameraThread.MyRunnable job = new CameraThread.MyRunnable(cameraPojo); CameraThread.MyRunnable.es.execute(job); jobMap.put(token, job);

1.ffmpeg -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://admin:abc12345@ -vcodec h264 -f flv -an rtmp://localhost:1935/live/room
2.ffmpeg -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://admin:abc12345@’&’endtime=20191227t084600z -vcodec copy -acodec copy -f flv rtmp://localhost:1935/history/room

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/** * @Title: openCamera * @Description: 开启视频流 * @param ip * @param username * @param password * @param channel 通道 * @param stream 码流 * @param starttime * @param endtime * @return Map<String,String> **/ @RequestMapping(value = "/cameras", method = RequestMethod.POST) public Map<String, String> openCamera(String ip, String username, String password, String channel, String stream, String starttime, String endtime) { // 返回结果 Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); // 校验参数 if (null != ip && "" != ip && null != username && "" != username && null != password && "" != password && null != channel && "" != channel) { CameraPojo cameraPojo = new CameraPojo(); // 获取当前时间 String openTime = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date().getTime()); Set keys = CacheUtil.STREAMMAP.keySet(); // 缓存是否为空 if (0 == keys.size()) { // 开始推流 cameraPojo = openStream(ip, username, password, channel, stream, starttime, endtime, openTime); map.put("token", cameraPojo.getToken()); map.put("url", cameraPojo.getRtmp()); } else { // 是否存在的标志;0:不存在;1:存在 int sign = 0; for (String key : keys) { // 是否已经在推流 if (ip.equals(CacheUtil.STREAMMAP.get(key).getIp()) && channel.equals(CacheUtil.STREAMMAP.get(key).getChannel())) { cameraPojo = CacheUtil.STREAMMAP.get(key); sign = 1; break; } } if (sign == 1) { cameraPojo.setCount(cameraPojo.getCount() + 1); cameraPojo.setOpenTime(openTime); } else { // 开始推流 cameraPojo = openStream(ip, username, password, channel, stream, starttime, endtime, openTime); } map.put("token", cameraPojo.getToken()); map.put("url", cameraPojo.getRtmp()); } }

return map; }

/** * @Title: openStream * @Description: 推流器 * @param ip * @param username * @param password * @param channel * @param stream * @param starttime * @param endtime * @param openTime * @return * @return CameraPojo **/ private CameraPojo openStream(String ip, String username, String password, String channel, String stream, String starttime, String endtime, String openTime) { CameraPojo cameraPojo = new CameraPojo(); // 生成token String token = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); String rtsp = ""; String rtmp = ""; // 历史流 if (null != starttime && "" != starttime) { if (null != endtime && "" != endtime) { rtsp = "rtsp://" + username + ":" + password + "@" + ip + ":554/Streaming/tracks/" + channel

  • "01?starttime=" + starttime.substring(0, 8) + "t" + starttime.substring(8) + "z'&'endtime="
  • endtime.substring(0, 8) + "t" + endtime.substring(8) + "z"; } else { try { SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); String startTime = df.format(df.parse(starttime).getTime() - 60 * 1000); String endTime = df.format(df.parse(starttime).getTime() + 60 * 1000); rtsp = "rtsp://" + username + ":" + password + "@" + ip + ":554/Streaming/tracks/" + channel
  • "01?starttime=" + startTime.substring(0, 8) + "t" + startTime.substring(8)
  • "z'&'endtime=" + endTime.substring(0, 8) + "t" + endTime.substring(8) + "z"; } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } rtmp = "rtmp://" + config.getPush_ip() + ":" + config.getPush_port() + "/history/" + token; } else {// 直播流 rtsp = "rtsp://" + username + ":" + password + "@" + ip + ":554/h264/ch" + channel + "/" + stream
  • "/av_stream"; rtmp = "rtmp://" + config.getPush_ip() + ":" + config.getPush_port() + "/live/" + token; }

cameraPojo.setUsername(username); cameraPojo.setPassword(password); cameraPojo.setIp(ip); cameraPojo.setChannel(channel); cameraPojo.setStream(stream); cameraPojo.setRtsp(rtsp); cameraPojo.setRtmp(rtmp); cameraPojo.setOpenTime(openTime); cameraPojo.setCount(1); cameraPojo.setToken(token);

// 执行任务 CameraThread.MyRunnable job = new CameraThread.MyRunnable(cameraPojo); CameraThread.MyRunnable.es.execute(job); jobMap.put(token, job);

return cameraPojo; }



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/** * @Title: closeCamera * @Description:关闭视频流 * @param tokens * @return void **/ @RequestMapping(value = "/cameras/{tokens}", method = RequestMethod.DELETE) public void closeCamera(@PathVariable("tokens") String tokens) { if (null != tokens && "" != tokens) { String[] tokenArr = tokens.split(","); for (String token : tokenArr) { if (jobMap.containsKey(token) && CacheUtil.STREAMMAP.containsKey(token)) { if (0 < CacheUtil.STREAMMAP.get(token).getCount()) { // 人数-1 CacheUtil.STREAMMAP.get(token).setCount(CacheUtil.STREAMMAP.get(token).getCount() - 1); } } } } }



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/** * @Title: getCameras * @Description:获取视频流 * @return Map<String, CameraPojo> **/ @RequestMapping(value = "/cameras", method = RequestMethod.GET) public Map<String, CameraPojo> getCameras() { return CacheUtil.STREAMMAP; }



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/** * @Title: keepAlive * @Description:视频流保活 * @param tokens * @return void **/ @RequestMapping(value = "/cameras/{tokens}", method = RequestMethod.PUT) public void keepAlive(@PathVariable("tokens") String tokens) { // 校验参数 if (null != tokens && "" != tokens) { String[] tokenArr = tokens.split(","); for (String token : tokenArr) { CameraPojo cameraPojo = new CameraPojo(); // 直播流token if (null != CacheUtil.STREAMMAP.get(token)) { cameraPojo = CacheUtil.STREAMMAP.get(token); // 更新当前系统时间 cameraPojo.setOpenTime(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date().getTime())); } } } }



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/** * @Title: getConfig * @Description: 获取服务信息 * @return Map<String, Object> **/ @RequestMapping(value = "/status", method = RequestMethod.GET) public Map<String, Object> getConfig() { // 获取当前时间 long nowTime = new Date().getTime(); String upTime = (nowTime - CacheUtil.STARTTIME) / (1000 * 60 * 60) + "时"

  • (nowTime - CacheUtil.STARTTIME) % (1000 * 60 * 60) / (1000 * 60) + "分"; Map<String, Object> status = new HashMap<String, Object>(); status.put("config", config); status.put("uptime", upTime); return status; }



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